Friday, 7 January 2011

Washington Post raves over Monty Python’s Camelot Smashalot

Camelot Smashalot

by Rob Crossley

Zattikka game a higher flier than those Angry Birds, says national paper

A Monty Python game based on the same premise as Angry Birds has been touted by The Washington Post as one to watch for 2011.

The Flash-based title, entitled Camelot Smashalot, tasks players with the familiar concept of hurtling projectiles at makeshift castles.

Camelot Smashalot’s mix of a popular gameplay concept with the iconic British TV comedy series has already proved a popular formula. The game has made the Washington Post’s annual In/Out list for 2011.

The title is likely to be one of the numerous minigames to feature in The Ministry of Silly Games – a fully-fledged Monty Python game to be released this year by social games firm Zattikka.

Camelot Smashalot will be released for free across Facebook.

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